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The Next 30 Years of Photography
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In-Sight Photography Project Inc., Image courtesy of In-Sight

IMAGE CREDIT: In-Sight Photography Project Inc., Image courtesy of In-Sight

In-Sight Photography Project Inc.
(Founded 1992; Based Brattleboro, VT)
Nominated by Jim Dow & Arno Rafael Minkkinen

Photographers Bill Ledger and John Willis conceived the In-Sight Photography Project in 1992 when they noticed a large number of teenagers hanging around downtown Brattleboro, Vermont. Turning no one away, In-Sight offers youth photography courses at every level and has served over 1200 participants to date. In 2003, Exposure started a new collaboration to bring students from Vermont, the Bronx, NY, and Arizona's Navajo Reservation in to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, to join Lakota Sioux youth in making images and exploring each others' cultures.

In 2003, In-Sight moved next-door to Vermont Center of Photography, allowing extra classroom, gallery, and darkroom space as well as the potential for cross-pollination. As a part of our 30th anniversary exhibition, PRC/POV, new connections will again be made across miles, and the work of In-Sight students is shown along with that of Dorchester's Tech Boston Academy, the PRC's new pilot outreach program, in our storefront windows. Visit our PRC/POV Education page to learn more.


In-Sight was founded on the belief that all youth need the proper tools, as well as a forum, for demonstrating their ideas and aspirations as they seek their place in society. In-Sight was formed in 1992 with the goal of offering a one-month class, and now offers year round photography courses at the introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels for students ages 11 to 18. All participants are granted access to cameras, materials, and a fully equipped darkroom in addition to instruction provided by experienced photographers. Through the years, In-Sight's mission has remained constant: offer photography classes to any interested youth regardless of their ability to pay. Additionally, In-Sight seeks students in need of alternative learning situations by working with other non-profit youth organizations, schools and counselors.

Using cameras as tools, In-Sight students have an opportunity to experience success, increase their self-esteem, and gain insight into their lives. By acquiring the technical skills of exposing film and printing photographs, participating youth learn a new and powerful language of communication, and consequently develop an improved relationship to learning.

JIM DOW and ARNO RAFAEL MINKKINEN are dedicated educators. Combined they have been teaching for over 50 years. See their respective biographies, Jim Dow and Arno Rafael Minkkinen, for more information.

The Photographic Resource Center (PRC) at Boston University

Mission Statement
The Photographic Resource Center (PRC) at Boston University is an independent non-profit organization that serves as a vital forum for the exploration and interpretation of new work, ideas, and methods in photography and related media. The PRC presents exhibitions, fosters education, develops resources, and facilitates community interaction for local, regional, and national audiences.